本人系辽宁大学翻译硕士学历 商务洽谈、授权书、说明书、邀请函、新闻稿、微信平台翻译、中央气象局资料等等口笔译实践丰富 并在中国日报工作日常翻译实践一则:Carbon dioxide (CO2), after it is emitted into the atmosphere, is firstly rapidly distributed between atmosphere, the upper ocean and vegetation. Subsequently, the carbon continues to be moved between the different reservoirs of the global carbon cycle, such as soils, the deeper ocean and rocks. Some of these exchanges occur very slowly. Depending on the amount of CO2 released, between 15% and 40% will remain in the atmosphere for up to 2000 years, after which a new balance is established between the atmosphere, the land biosphere and the ocean. 二氧化碳(CO2),释放到大气中后,首先在大气,海洋上层和植被中间迅速散发。随后,碳继续在全球碳循环内不同的储存库,例如土壤,深海和岩石中迁移。其中一些交换过程非常迟缓,依据释放的二氧化碳量,经过长达两千年后,仍有15%至40%的二氧化碳存留于大气中,此后大气层,陆地生物圈和海洋将建立新的平衡。